Thursday’s posts could be about anything. I might announce a contest, ask for your feedback, or just remind you how amazing you are!
Thoughtful Thursday: T-Shirt Reminder!

A quick reminder that my t-shirt design contest is still on! I’m taking submissions through the end of the month. Have you submitted your design yet?
The design above by Rebecca Schneider is the current leader.
And don’t forget to vote on your favorite design here.
Thoughtful Thursday: Living Well with HIV Video asked me to share my story and perspective on living with HIV for a video series they were making. In it, I share some tips on how I take care of myself to ensure I’m as healthy as possible.
The video turned out great and hopefully can help someone struggling with how to deal with HIV.
Thoughtful Thursday: 10 Thousand Couples Article

The online magazine,, featured this article about me in their May issue. It’s well written and talks about why I do what I do. I liked it and wanted to share it with you!
Read the full article here –
Thoughtful Thursday: Two Reminders

Two quick reminders today and then you can go back to the awesomeness I hope your day is bringing.
First – Remember to send in your designs for my new “I Am Enough” t-shirt. Currently, you’ve sent in 7 great designs and this one is in the lead!
Second – for you parents and caring others in New York and New Jersey, I’ll be teaching at an event hosted by the Tyler Clementi Foundation and North Jersey Pride. Both the Facebook event or the flyer have all the information. It’s such an honor to work with Jane Clementi and the Tyler Clementi Foundation and I hope to see you there.
Parents & Caring Others – Join me in New Jersey on 6/4!
Please join me for an important event on Tuesday, June 4th. I’m giving a lecture entitled, “How to Talk to the Creature in Your Car: A Survival Guide for Parents of Teens,” where I’ll be sharing specific strategies and techniques on parenting a teenager through the arc of adolescence.
It’s a presentation that will validate the successful things that are already working in your relationship with your teen. Or, you can use it as a survival guide to communicating with the creature listening to music in your car. Mostly, I hope the evening will be a gentle reminder of what every teen wants more than anything else: the tender presence of a loving other and permission to be whomever they are becoming.
I’ve very excited about this event and want to thank Jane Clementi of The Tyler Clementi Foundation (Tyler’s mom) and North Jersey Pride for making this possible. Tyler’s family will be there and Jane will be giving the introduction.
The full flyer is below and you can register to attend on the Facebook event here.
I hope to see you there!

Thoughtful Thursday: See Me in Boca Raton

I don’t get to do this very often, but this weekend I’m teaching in Boca Raton and it’s open to everyone. If you’re in the area and can make it, I’d love to see you there.
I’ll be speaking during Shabbat dinner on Friday night and breakfast on Sunday, which the temple is hosting. These are going to be great talks whether you are a teen or a parent.
I’ve set up an event on Facebook where you can find all the details and register –
Hope to see you this weekend!
Thoughtful Thursday: Shoutouts!
Thoughtful Thursday: First T-Shirt Design!

Thoughtful Thursday: Your Voice (and T-Shirt Contest Reminder!)

Today, I wanted to share a sweet message sent by one of my students a little while back.
This is the reason I do what I do. I teach, write, and pour out all I am in the hopes that I can make a positive impact on your life. And notes like the one below make me smile to know that I am helping.
I recently finished your book and just like to say how much it meant to me. I have social anxiety that prevents me from doing the things I normally would love to do and meet and connect with people. I have also tried reading many self-help books to inspire me to make a change but nothing really clicked with me the way your book did. I don’t know. It just seemed to come from a real place. While reading it I felt I could relate to it and was part of something. It also did inspire me to make changes to my own life where I felt it lacking. I might even reconnect with some people I once knew. All I’m trying to say is keep up the good work. I hope to be able to attend one of your lectures sometime soon to hear you speak, just to further evolve my education on myself 🙂 Thanks so much for taking the time to write a book for us teens who don’t usually feel we have a strong voice in this day and age. You probably hear this a lot but you can’t possibly understand how much it means to all of us and how much we appreciate it. For someone to take the time and say, “I see you.”
Thoughtful Thursday: T-Shirt Contest!
2014 T-Shirt Design Contest
Are you an aspiring fashion designer?
Yes? Awesome – remember us when you’re famous!
No? You don’t have to be!
I want to create a new t-shirt and want you all to be a part of it. From now until the end of July, I’m asking you to send me your designs. And there are cool prizes for the winner!
“I breathe. I belong. I am enough.”
These are the only words that have to be included. Other than that, be creative and have fun. You can use any digital graphic design program, pen and paper, paint, colored pencils, or whatever you want!
If you’d like a template help get you started, feel free to use this image as a starting point – tshirt.jpg
All submissions can be sent to
All of the submissions will be uploaded to a gallery on my Facebook page. So if you haven’t yet – make sure to “like” my page so that you can vote!
The new designs will be uploaded every week on Thursdays and the design with the most likes at midnight on 7/31/14 will be the winner.
I told you there would be cool prizes!
The artist who submits the winning design will get:
1) Signed copies of all three of my books (A Private Midnight, If I Grow Up, and My Invisible Kingdom)
2) Signed copies of both of my CDs (As I Grow and Defining a Life)
3) One of their winning t-shirts