I love to hear back about how my talks have effected you or your teens. For example, here’s a very sweet note from a mom who wrote me after she heard me speak:
Thank you so much, Scott. My son heard you speak at school today. He was so incredibly moved by you, your story and your talk. I heard all about it in the car on the way home after swim practice. Your talk provoked such a beautiful and intimate discussion between us. I can’t remember the details of our conversation but racing up the FDR in the dark I was moved to tears — by the love you shared with those children, by the way you and your message opened Nicholas’ heart and also by the gratitude I felt that he could share his thoughts and experience with me. Thank you so much.
If you’d like to send me your story or just say hello, I’ve set up a simple way to do that here –
I look forward to getting a shoutout from YOU!